12th of January, 2012

Minutes of St Andrews Fairtrade Town Campaign Meeting on 12th January 2012
Mary Popple, Averill Marks, Peter Robinson, Julian Crowe, Marie Robinson, Alice Curteis.
Izzy Corbin
1. Matters Arising from last two Meeting

3 Nov 2011. This was a one-off discussion meeting designed to update and sharpen our understanding of a number of key issues: namely, what fair trade achieves, our personal motivation for being involved in Fairtrade, the meaning of fair trade versus Fairtrade, and economists’ views on how best to promote development.

2 Sept 2011. AC had arranged for SFTF’s Countdown postcards to be sent to One World Society for use during Freshers Week. MP to follow up contact with Justrading. ACTION:MP

2. Finances

PR reported that our funds include £82 and a £10 gift voucher. AM reminded us that the St Andrews Community Trust Fund might be a source for further funding. Anticipated future expenditure this year includes Fairtrade Fortnight action and the annual £25 for maintenance of the website and server usage. We discussed whether to make changes to the list of 4 existing signatories and decided against it.

3. Website
MP reported 80 hits in the last four weeks, including 50 first time visitors. We noted the need to get some of our email addresses sorted. AC and PR need passwords. MP requested comment on the news sections of the website. The next item to be covered will be our action for Fairtrade Fortnight. It was agreed that the site could include links to relevant newspaper articles and MP invited information about anything that we notice. Given the new rule about the number Fairtrade items needed per retailer, PR will look up the details and report on whether we need to adapt our directory accordingly. ACTION: MP,PR

4. Fairtrade Fortnight, 'Take a Step for Fairtrade', 27 Feb to 11 March
AC to contact Martin Rhodes about a speaker and liaise with the University if someone is going to visit St Andrews. ACTION:AC
It was decided that our main event this year will be a Fairtrade Trail, with 10 – 12 shops and cafes taking part, and a prize of Fairtrade goodies for the winning entry/ies. AM to print and laminate 12 Fairtrade Mark logos. During next 4 weeks other members to visit each of the list of 12 shops/cafes to invite them to take part by displaying logo and a Fairtrade product. While doing this, we will also gather information for the directory, checking retailers and cafes for current stock of Fairtrade products. AC to divide up the central area of town and allocate to each of those visiting shops. PR and MR to design entry form, entitled ‘Step out for Fairtrade Fortnight’ and including the statement ‘Fairtrade is important to me because …’. MP to put form on website, although entries may be made without an official form. AC to inform Fairtrade Foundation of the activity. Publicity: MP to draft article/s for Citizen and Courier for the week before Fairtrade Fortnight. AC to get info to Pete Lindsay, and to contact schools and other likely organisations both asap and nearer the time. MR and PR to design poster to display in the public library, Oxfam shop and other venues. ACTION: ALL
Additional action for the Fortnight: While contacting schools etc re the trail, AC to enquire about other planned activities so that we can offer our support and promote them on the website. ACTION: AC
5. AOB
JC to frame a question to the Fairtrade Foundation following up our response to the Foundation’s press release on the IEA report. Once agreed, AC to forward the question. ACTION: JC, AC
6. Date of Next Meeting

If a speaker is arranged for FTFN the next meeting will be on 16 Feb at AM’s house. Then 15 March at MR and PR’s.