23rd of March, 2010

Minutes of St Andrews Fairtrade Town Campaign Meeting on 23rd March 2010

Present: Alice Curteis, Marie Robinson, Peter Robinson, Mary Popple, Averill Marks

Apologies: Emily Ramsden (University of St Andrews)



1. Matters Arising from last Meeting

MR still to contact V. Murrie re. use of Fairtrade products in the cafe at St Andrews Community Hospital.

PR to speak to contact re. Petherum Bridge flower bed. 

Nisa supermarket in Market St stocks tea, coffees, sugar hot chocolate, chocolate bars and biscuits, wine etc.

A. Smith has not yet advised us re cost of certificates.  AC to hand certificates out to Flip, Zest, Nisa, Kinburn Museum cafe etc.

2. Fairtrade Fortnight 22 February - 7 March 2010

The 'Big Swap' event on 27 February outside Tesco and Nisa in Market Street had gone well with five additional helpers plus committee members covering 10am until 3pm.

Photo taken of a young Fairtrade support with the big banana outside Tesco, for use on website.

Press coverage included a photograph and text in both the Citizen and the Courier newspapers.  Text mainly included quotations and details of the Cupar Fairtrade Town activities.

AC had taken part in Brian Taylor's Big Debate on Radio Scotland, in St Andrews, on Friday 26 February, asking, 'Until International trade rules are reformed, is there a better way to alleviate rural poverty in developing countries than supporting fairtrade?'.  AC added appropriate comment when ask at the end.

3. Finances

PR reported that we currently have £201 in account.

MP reported that AP and his friend Laurence (LH) are hosting the website as requested; she is currently paying £2.50 per month for our use of the server.  MP to learn basic maintenance skills for the new site that is being developed by AP and LH.

In due course AP will invoice PR e.g. for year's rent.

4. Open 2010

MP confirmed that our Fairtrade Town logo will be used wherever Fairtrade refreshments  are on sale in the tented village, using original logo file obtained from Bruce Ryan.

The need for more publicity was discussed.  MP to contact a features editor from Glasgow Herald  regarding a possible article in it.

MP to find out what would be permitted in the way of publicity during the Open, e.g. possibly involving SFTF, photograph with our banner etc.

5. FT Town Status, 5th Anniversary, November 2010

AC had received confirmation of our continued status after re-applying in 2007; will get a copy of the certificate laminated.

Application for next confirmation of status to be postponed till later this year at the earliest.

Possible events to celebrate our 5th anniversary were discussed. It was decided that MP will try to book St Leonard's Church Hall for an evening's pot-luck supper on Saturday 27th November.

Ideas for associated entertainment will be discussed further.

6. Fife Fair Trade Forum - Update

The bid for county status is nearing completion.  

More workplaces are needed, plus a flagship employer, though two are currently being considered.

The Forum hopes to have a stand at the Big Tent event at Falkland (25/26 July).

A logo has been chosen and is currently being finalised by a designer.

7. AOB

AC had, at short notice, attended a student Transition event (17 March) at which some of our Fairtrade chocolate and coffee had been used; unfortunately it was poorly attended.

MP and MR will make up a PowerPoint presentation to be used at talk to student group and others in Kinburn Museum, Wed. 12th May.

8. Date of Next Meeting

Date of next meeting : Thurs 20 May 2010, at Blebo at 7.30pm.

ACTIONS: AC: 1(iii), 5(i);  MR:1(i), 7(ii);  MP: 2(ii), 4(ii, iii), 5 (iii), 7(ii)