20th of May, 2010

Minutes of St Andrews Fairtrade Town Campaign Meeting on 20th May 2010

Present: Alice Curteis, Marie Robinson, Peter Robinson, Mary Popple

Apologies: Averill Marks, Emily Ramsden (University of St Andrews)

Read previous Minutes of 23 March 2010

1. Matters Arising from last Meeting

It was decided not to visit the St Andrews Community Hospital to discuss further use of Fairtrade refreshments since they are already available in the cafe.

AC and MR had given a public Powerpoint talk about how St Andrews became a Fairtrade Town, on 12 May, at Kinburn Museum, arranged by a group of Master's students.

2. The Open

MP will write a small article for St Andrews in Focus on the use of Fairtrade products at catering outlets in the tented village, and may produce a similar piece for the national press.

The possibility of taking appropriate photographs to accompany these was discussed.

3. Our Website 

AP and LW were continuing to work on the new website.  AP to invoice PR for this once it is completed.

MR to enquire further about having a link to Traidcraft on our website.

4. FT Town Status, 5th Anniversary, November 2010

No reply had been received from B. Reed; MR to ask if she can suggest a speaker if she herself cannot come.

St Leonard's hall is booked for the pot-luck supper; no alcohol may be consumed.

Invitations to be sent out c. 6 weeks beforehand.

Planning to be done at our AGM meeting in August.

5. Finances

PR confirmed that there is £201 in the account.

6. The Big Tent, 23-25 July,2010, Falkland

The need for people to help at the Fife Fair Trade Forum stall on 24 and 25 July was discussed.

7. Fife Fair Trade Forum Update

The Forum is still looking for an official flagship employer; it is hoped that Scottish water may fulfil this role.

Dalgety Bay may become the next Fairtrade Town in Fife.

8. AOB

MR to telephone Morrisons Supermarket re. having a stall there in Fairtrade Fortnight 2011.

The need to invite another member or two onto our committee was discussed.

9. Date of Next Meeting

Date of next meeting : Thurs 19 August 2010, at Lawmill Gardens (to be confirmed) at 7.30pm, where on suggestion of PR, a photograph of the committee should be taken.

ACTIONS: MR:3,4,8;  MP: 2