28th of June, 2016

Minutes 1 June 2016

St. Andrews Fairtrade Town Campaign – 1/6/16

Present: AM, MP, AC, MR, PR, JC, GK

1.  Apologies:   PB, LS, CP

2.  Matters arising

- Minutes from last  meeting approved


-  We noted the success of events organised for Fairtrade Fortnight in both the University and the town.


- Our flag was flying over the Town Hall throughout Fairtrade Fortnight.


3.  Financial report - £113.28.


4. Renewal of Fairtrade status 

- Our Fairtrade status was renewed and we have a new certificate. A letter announcing this was published in the Citizen on 20 April.  Thanks to MR for doing most of the hard work needed to secure the renewal.   


- Following recommendations from the Fairtrade Foundation, we intend to work more with schools and to seek a flagship employer.  MR to contact Cupar FT group, Fiona Grant and Fife Council re getting a contact person nominated for us and all the FT towns. Ahead of Fairtrade Fortnight we will contact schools directly to encourage participation.  JC and MP to approach the R&A, the Old Course Hotel and Thorntons, offering publicity.



5.  Plans for 2016/7
-  To pick up our B&B campaign in a couple of years.  Meanwhile AC to contact R Pead, asking for information about which of his members use FT products and what we can do to encourage further use.                                                                         ACTION: AC


- To work on getting a flagship employer, see item 4 above.


- To approach BID to explore how to promote Fairtrade with them.    GK to send info re BID to the group.                                                                                                ACTION:  GK



- Further to the April 7th Trade Justice meeting organised by GK, at which Linda McAvan spoke, we discussed issues of concern that need to be addressed by the Fairtrade system:  that produce is usually still exported by developing countries in a raw state;  that imported processed food may be consumed by producers while their food crops are exported; that plantations are now eligible for Fairtrade trading status.  We will write to the Fairtrade Foundation to ask about current policy for plantations.                         ACTION: JC


- MP reported on her recent visit to Malawi for Just Trading Scotland and UN/FAO.  She attended a two day workshop with government representatives, UN/FAO and World Bank consultants as well as Malawian producers and NGO parties.  She then visited smallholder farmers who belong to the National Association of Smallholder Farmers of Malawi (NASFAM in the Karonga district of the country who grow Kilombero rice.  These women farmers told of the need for ploughs - more necessary because of the uncertainty of the rains with climate change.  JTS will look to run a campaign to raise money to supply women rice farmers with ploughs.  We could promote this, perhaps working with C Stihler, University Rector.


-  We thanked GK for his support during the last year.  His successor is Lindsey Mackay.  GK to send us her contact details.                                                            ACTION:  GK


Next meeting: AGM 7.30 Thursday August 11th (TBC)  40 Lawmill Gardens KY16 8QS