2nd of September, 2011

Minutes of St Andrews Fairtrade Town Campaign Meeting on 2nd September 2011
Present: Alice Curteis, Marie Robinson, Peter Robinson, Mary Popple, Averill Marks, Julian Crowe
Apologies: Izzy
Read previous Minutes of 17 June 2011
1. Matters Arising from last Meeting
MR had contacted the Merchant's Association (secretary Lindsey Brown) re. having an entry in the next issue of the town guide.
2. AGM Business

The minutes of the previous AGM were read and approved.

Patrick Marks took the chair. The following nominations were made and approved:

AC to be secretary (PR proposed, AM seconded)

MP to be chairperson (AM proposed, MR seconded)

PR to remain as treasurer (AM proposed, MP seconded)

JC to be vice-chairperson (AC proposed, MR seconded)
3. Finances

PR reported that our account has £117.54 in it.

Three cheques had been issued over the year. One had not been cashed, and would now have to be re-issued. MP to ask Alasdair Popple to send his invoice to PR again in order to settle the account. ACTION: MP

Mr M. Dobell had kindly audited the accounts.

4. B&B Campaign

It was agreed to follow up the email messages sent in April re. wholesale suppliers of Fairtrade goods, with another this autumn to all members of the St Andrews B&B Association and the St Andrews Hotel and Guest House Association. ACTION: AC

Besides encouraging use of Fairtrade products in their establishments, the following questions should be posed:

Do you use Fairtrade products in your business?

If so, which ones?

Please would you give us your contact details for our website directory?

MP reported that SFTF is compiling a comprehensive list of wholesale Fairtrade suppliers for their website, and that she had sent our information to them for inclusion.

5. Updating our Directory
This is ongoing; new outlets etc. to be sent to MP.
An updated Finder will be produced for Fairtrade Fortnight 2012.
Four Fairtrade products per shop are now required for new Fairtrade towns
6. SFTF Countdown Campaign
MR and MP had sent a letter with a postcard enclosed to the schools in the town in early August to publicise the campaign.
One response had been received from St Leonards, and MR had asked SFTF to send them 100 postcards.
No response had been received from the university re. using postcards in Fresher's week, so AC will email the One World Society to ask if they can distribute any. ACTION: AC
7. AOB
MP will arrange for new email addresses for office-bearers as appropriate.


It was agreed to have a discussion meeting to talk about some problematic issues that are brought up as arguments against Fairtrade, in order that we can counter these. Questions are to be circulated prior to the meeting. MP reported that Justrading (John Riches) will be looking for financial help from Fairtrade groups in order to increase their trading initiatives with Malawi; she will report back once more is known.


Some form of competition may be held in St Andrews Week, e.g. involving town outlets.
8. Date of Next Meeting
Thurs 27 October, at Woodlands, Blebo Craigs, 7.30 pm (discussion meeting).