17th of June, 2011

Minutes of St Andrews Fairtrade Town Campaign Meeting on 17th June 2011

Present: Alice Curteis, Marie Robinson, Peter Robinson, Mary Popple, Averill Marks, Julian Crowe

Apologies: Duncan Smart

Read previous Minutes of 17 March 2011

1. Matters Arising from last Meeting

M Rhodes (SFTF) had confirmed that the Glasgow Fairtrade Town group were looking into the possibility of having at least some Fairtrade refreshments served at the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow (2014). 

Fife had been declared a Fairtrade County at Kirkcaldy Town House on 28 May 2011.  A representative of St Andrews Community Council present there had expressed interest in both the FFTF and the St Andrews Fairtrade Town Campaign and asked to be kept informed about future activities.

Our banner was used at the Breakfast event in the Quad in connection with the Royal Wedding.

A member of the Community Council had reminded us of the Community Trust Fund available for funding particular projects.

AC had collected various press cuttings, including a photo in the St Andrews Citizen from a school event last March; MR to keep these.

A DVD about Fairtrade Towns had been received by some of us from the Fairtrade Foundation.

2. Finances

PR reported that there is £93 in the account. He asked MP to check if Alasdair Popple had cashed his cheque for the annual website storage and maintenance yet.

3. B&B Campaign

MP reported that there had been 73 hits on our website, mostly local, between 16th May and 16th June, some of which had lasted a reasonable length of time.  Some of these may have been B&B or guest-houses, but it was likely that some were connected with a local school project being carried out at the time.

MR reported that our email re the list of wholesale Fairtrade suppliers had been sent round members of the St Andrews Hotels and Guest-Houses Association, and the B&B Association as requested.

It was decided to follow this up in early September with an email to members of the two associations, letting them know that we will be updating our directory, and asking them to let us know if they offer Fairtrade products to their guests.

MR to send MP Martin Rhodes' email address, as SFTF are also producing a list of wholesale suppliers, and we may be able to add a link to this on our info page. 

4. Updating our Directory

This should be done in time for producing a Finder for Fairtrade Fortnight, 2012.

New products and outlets noted in town meantime to be sent to MP who will amend the website directory accordingly.

MR to contact secretary of St Andrews Merchants' Association in order to add a paragraph re Fairtrade to the next issue of the town guide.

AM to contact local H&M shop regarding provision (or not) of Fairtrade cotton clothes.

5. SFTF Countdown Campaign

MR read out an email received regarding the 2011 countdown campaign (prior to projected declaration of Scotland being a Fairtrade Nation, in 2012).

MR to contact Barbara Aitken with regard to use of Campaign pledge postcards in the University, eg in Freshers' packs, at the Freshers' Fair and so on.

MR and MP to send letters or emails in August to head teachers of local schools regarding availability of these postcards, and ask if they might like to use some in projects about Fairtrade in the new session.  We could either deliver cards or they could deal directly with SFTF.

Our website could highlight the Countdown Campaign.  AC added a comment to the Campaign website about the Fairtrade brownies consumed at our Fairtrade committee meeting.

We may be able to publicise the Campaign, and use pledge cards at any event/competition we hold in St Andrews Festival week.

6. AOB

MP to send JC password etc for out website.

MR announced her intention to stand down as secretary from the AGM.

7. Date of Next Meeting

Friday 2 September 2011, 7.30pm at AM's house.


all 4; MP 5(iii),6; MR 3,4(iii),5(ii),5(iii); AM 4(iv)