17th of March, 2011

Minutes of St Andrews Fairtrade Town Campaign Meeting on 17th March 2011

Present: Alice Curteis, Marie Robinson, Peter Robinson, Mary Popple, Averill Marks, Julian Crowe

Apologies: None. AC welcomed everyone, and gave a brief resume of our group's history.

Read previous Minutes of 18 November 2010

1. Matters Arising from last Meeting

AC reported that no overseas Fairtrade producer had visited the University in Fairtrade Fortnight as a speaker.

Our new website is now live.

2. Fairtrade Fortnight

The information stall at Morrisons on Saturday 5 March had been busy, and 300 Finders plus other Fairtrade Foundation leaflets were handed out.  We also gave away tea and sugar sachets, but Morrisons only provided goods for display.

AM reported a small tear in the side of our banner.

AC and MR had written a short report on activities in town during the Fortnight, and hope that this will appear with photographs in the Citizen and Courier.

MR to forward to MP other photos taken at events, for our website.

3. Finances

Currently there is £92.54 in the account.

£83 had been spent on the 5th Anniversary party last November, and the website has been paid for one year.

4. The Website

This has been live since late December 2010, and from mid February until present it has had 287 visits, including around 50 by MP.

MP to see if the Traidcraft logo could be included somewhere appropriate.

MP to check if AP has applied a spam filter to mail received by the chair and secretary.

5. Campaigns/Activities over 2011

It was decided not to update the directory until producing the next Finder, but that any changes noticed in town should be sent to MP to update the website.

Two possible activities were discussed:


  • a further effort to encourage these to use more Fairtrade products will be made by emailing an information factsheet to them.
  • MR to find out if the two relevant associations would forward such an email to their members, and speak to Tourist Info about other possible lists.
  • AC to produce a list of hotel contacts.
  • MP and JC to produce a page giving relevant information (links etc.) on our website for interested B&Bs and hotels to refer to.
  • Known wholesale suppliers include Myrtle, Fairshares Trading, Garraways, Cafe Ecosse, Viking Direct, Green City.

Royal Wedding breakfast, town centre, 29 April 2011

  • AM to find out from Community Council what is planned for this event and if they would consider using Fairtrade products at it, and possibly display our banner in some appropriate venue.

6. Fife FairTrade Forum

Fairtrade County status had been achieved in February 2011, and the Forum, together with the Co-op, hopes to organise a declaration event later this year.

7. AOB

MR to contact SFTF re possibility of having a Fairtrade Commonwealth Games in Glasgow in 2014, and MP to find out if possible whether the 2011 Open Championship will use Fairtrade refreshments.

8. Date of Next Meeting

Thursday 2 June 2011, 7.30pm at AC's house, 52 Hepburn Gardens.


all 5; AC 5(1); MP 4,5(1),7; MR 2,5(1),7; JC 5(1)